On Thu, January 17, 2013 3:47 pm, Federico Bruni wrote:
I've chosen the option 3 (route PulseAudio to JACK while JACK is
running) of this guide:
http://trac.jackaudio.org/ is down since yesterday.
Ja, I noticed that too. I was looking for some info on netjack.
It used to work fine in the past but I'm having an issue just after
using Stretchplayer (and therefore jack).
I'm on Debian testing (Gnome 3.4.2). I can't see anymore the audio
applet. In Settings»Audio I see that there's no output device.
The applications that are trying to use Pulseaudio are listed but of
course no sound is produced.
jackd is not running.
pulseaudio-module-jack is installed and my ~/.pulse/default.pa contains
the following lines:
load-module module-native-protocol-unix
load-module module-jack-sink channels=2
load-module module-jack-source channels=2
load-module module-null-sink
load-module module-stream-restore
load-module module-rescue-streams
load-module module-always-sink
load-module module-suspend-on-idle
set-default-sink jack_out
set-default-source jack_in
How can I debug this problem?
Thanks in advance
There are some interesting things with PA (Pulseaudio). If PA starts while
a device is busy with another application (like jackd) that device will
not be available to pulse even after Jackd is stopped and the device is
available. pulseaudio -k will make it rescan the devices... well actually
it kills PA and when PA restarts (normally runs respawn) it rescans.
It would seem you are using jackd and not jackdbus then?
module-jackdbus-detect would normally start module-jack-sink/source when
it detects jack is present and stop them when jackdbus stops. (I am not
suggesting you run that way unless you want to run dbus) qjackctl can be
set to run dbus or not, I would check to see if it is checked or not. For
how you have things set up it should not be checked.
If you do want to use module-jackdbus-detect... I would wait for wait for
the bug fix :) (though there is a work around)
Len Ovens