Am 22.04.2013 10:46, schrieb Carlos sanchiavedraz:
2013/4/19 Nicola<nicola.di.marzo(a)>it>:
I was able to run guitarix gui on nexus7 with those 2 apps but the
result wasn't good at all. It's ok to run xterm or that kind of simple
gui stuff... But yeah i also will look for some midi-wireless app to
use it like a controller as you suggested ;-) We still have 2 other
possible ways to try to control it with "touch"...with gui (with
ubuntu) or midi (with android or ubuntu) :-)
Andreas Degert (one of the core developers in the guitarix project) have
added now a web interface/socket for guitarix, and make the --nongui
mode real headless so that a running X-server isn't needed any more. The
web interface is basic for now, but you can use it already on your
android device as well.
(What a fun to have the tuner running on the HTC device while guitarix
is running on the . . , well here it is my PC. :-)
Andreas have added some more stuff in our git repository related to run
guitarix smooth on a Raspberry Pi
(vectorization of the dsp parts for example, . . . ).
So if you interested in running guitarix on your PI, i would suggest you
to stay close to our git, and join our forum or the dev-mailingliste to
come in touch with Andreas.
You can try DSMI[1] (MIDI over wifi server, really
simple) and any
MIDI-controller app that supports DSMI directly or OSC on Android,
i.e: Ivory Tower[2]
It seems you are trying to achieve that same headless center using
Android as a GUI I've mentioned some times, great. I had some success
with MIDI over wifi, but now I have to get some device and I'm not
sure if that's gonna be an Android+RPi or just some other touch-UMPC
device to run Linux directly instead of
"fighting"/configuring/tweaking again to get whatever to do what I
Maybe you're Nexus is a good choice.