The original point I failed to make was that now - when we have
proprietary software coming to Linux - would seem to me to be an
opportunity generate greater awareness of the issues surrounding
free/non-free software. I could I suppose also say I don't care if
people use free or non-free software - so long as I still have the
option to use free software. But for how long will that be an option
when mainstream hardware vendors are moving more and more toward the
passive consumer market? That is my fear and why it angers me to hear
that I should not care about software freedom.
On 15 January 2012 16:28, Alexandre Prokoudine
<alexandre.prokoudine(a)> wrote:
On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 8:03 PM, James Morris wrote:
How is it childish to say you should care about
software freedom?
It seems justifiable to judge someone as ignorant when that person
claims to not care about software freedom while using free software.
Otherwise if you do actually care, you're simply being antagonistic -
ie a troll - and I'm an idiot for feeding you.
My dear James,
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live a simple black &
white life, where there's only strictly good and strictly evil, where
software can be either proprietary of free, and where people you
disagree with are either ignorant cusses or trolls. Thank you for a
fantastic insight and an amazing experience :)
Now that you've hopefully done getting personal on people, do you
think you could find yourself stretching your attention towards the
topic? Which is, when it comes right down to it, fear.
The whole issue arises from fear that we as community have failed to
produce competitive software, otherwise nobody would bother even
checking out Bitwig, let alone discussing it.
The question is what we are going to do about this fear.
What would _you_ do, James? Would you suppress it with political
statements or would you try to contribute and make more usable
software? Or produce really well composed, recorded, mixed and
mastered music? Write impressive tutorials maybe? Anything to make
just about everyone say "Hey, this free software thing's worth
checking out!"?
Alexandre Prokoudine
Linux-audio-user mailing list