On 15/06/2011 12:46, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
In 2008 Gary Campion released a bunch of self-recorded GIG samples
under GPL and made them available at
flamestudios.org. Recently I
discovered that last year (or so) the site went offline, and only a
handful of those samples is available since then. Since I had very
nearly the whole collection or at least the most of it, I thought I'd
share it via torrents.
The links to torrent pages are available at LinuxSampler forum:
I also have several free samples from
(acoustic guitars and trumpets) that are not available anymore, I'm
just not sure if it's OK to share them. Let me know :)
Alexandre Prokoudine
Linux-audio-user mailing list
I can't access piratebay (may be some filter from italian access).
So, if they are GPL, is there a way to share the torrent using a
different site? Thanks!