On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 10:46:19AM +0000, Michael T Nelson wrote:
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote:
I just had a crazy idea ... Sorry if this is off
topic a bit. Does
anyone know what frequency ranges bats use? Would a 96KHz 24bit card be
able to capture anything useful from their sounds?
I was just wondering what it would sound like to get a recording of the
bats eating bugs in the evenings in my backyard and then slow it down
enough to get into a human audible frequency range.
When I was doing my University
final year project last year (I studied
Electronic Engineering with Music Technology), a guy in my year was
I've been toying with the idea of getting more schooling. Often I think
that if I had my undergraduate degree to do over again I would have
gotten some sort of computer science or engineering degree with a focus
on acoustics and audio technology instead of a music degree. Is there a
course list you could point me to outlining your course of study? Was
this a prepackaged degree program or custom designed for your own
Eric Rz.