On Sunday, February 12, 2012 06:13:44 PM jonetsu did opine:
Hi all,
What would be a good microphone for recording both acoustic steel
string guitar and acoustic bass guitar ? In the $200-250 range. I
currently have a M-Audio Pulsar and am looking for a recording that
has more of everything I hear from the instruments which does not
currently gets in the recording. The recording sounds like a digital
compressed version that doe snot have all the warmth and nuances heard
in the room. Would upgrading to a $200-250 microphone help ? Or
would any difference be made only with much more expensive
microphones ? I basically would like to record as much what my ears are
getting when playing.
The recording tool is Ardour, with all plug-ins found in a Fedora
15/CCRMA install.
Thanks for any suggestions/comments!
C.A.D. EQ-200, could be a bit more than $250, but a friend of mine has half
a dozen of them in his recording studio, very good sound.
That is an older number, and probably obsolete by now, but its replacement
should be just as good. Look at the E300S on amazon for instance.
Cheers, Gene
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soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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