On 09/22/2011 09:17 AM, Philipp Überbacher wrote:
Excerpts from Giso Grimm's message of 2011-09-21
21:17:42 +0200:
[...] a concert with low delay Ambisonics
of acoustic instruments, the signal processing using linux audio (many
components are written by Fons (ambdec, jconvolver) or based on code
from Fons and Jörn (panning methods)):
Harmony of the Spheres
Cosmology and Number Aesthetics in 16th and 20th century Music for Viola
da Gamba
This sounds intriguing, but even if I'd start to hike today I wouldn't
make it in time. I'm a bit confused by the 'third order' as well, afaik
only first order and soundfield microphones exist.
We have five single channel signals (the instruments directly picked up
with close microphones), which we feed into a 3rd order horizontal
Ambisonics panner. To some extend we can code distance expression by
adding reverberant bits on a virtual stereo source coming from the same
direction as the source (dry/wet ratio and stereo width is distance
depending). All parameters can dynamically change; trajectories of the
virtual sources are designed to match the music.
- Giso