The thing about the V-Amp Pro is to not use it's
cabinet simulation when playing with an external
amp/cabinet combination. The Behringer manual tells
how to use the V-Amp Pro with/without amp or cabinet
A few solutions: turn off cabinet simulation in the
V-Amp pro, use cabinet simulation with a "flat"
response setup (i.e. keyboard amp/speaker), or go
fully amp/cabinet free an run the balanced output
directly to the mixer.
If you use the cabinet simulation with something other
than cabinets designed fo a flat response (keyboard
amp/speaker. monitor speakers, pa speakers), results
will be undesirable.
--- Them <idragosani(a)> wrote:
Michael T D Nelson wrote:
It's clearly a replacement for a Line 6 POD
No doubt about that.
To be honest, I think the PODxt sounds much better
than the V-Amp... I
use a PODxt Live (through a Mesa/Boogie 50/50 power
amp and a 2x12
cabinet), and my rhythm guitarist plays the V-Amp...
and maybe it's due
to his native guitar tone also, but the V-Amp sounds
rather plasticy to
my ears. It sounds a bit better going into a 4x12
cabinet (a huge
improvement over the single 1x12), but it still
doesn't sound as clean
as the PODxt.
-- Brett
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