Frank Barknecht wrote:
iriXx hat gesagt: // iriXx wrote:
Guy Daniel CLOTILDE wrote:
Daniel James wrote / a écrit:
In the case of music, if someone wanted to
distribute a CC'd licenced
piece commercially, paying the artist a fair cut, then all they'd
have to do is contact the artist in the usual way and work out a
deal. What's wrong with that?
stepping inside... There's nothing wrong, but if it costs something
(again, nothing wrong) then it's not... free. I think that's what Frank
was pointing out.
RMS would disagree.
No. The "it" in "it is not free" here means the right to distribute
something (also commercially), and if this costs something, "it" is not
free in the RMS sense.
have you read RMS's essay on freedom and why freedom also includes the
programmer's need to eat?
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