Folderol wrote:
Some more info.
Yoshimi has now run continuously for about 20 hours. In that time I've
been loading and saving entire parameter sets, editing patches and
saving them, both with and without Rosegarden triggering notes. There
hasn't been a single freeze!
If there is no sound being produced, then patches load and save
silently, although there are xruns showing in jack's message window. If
Yoshimi is actually producing sound then there are usually clicks as the
patches are changed, regardless of whether that particular channel is
sounding. The amount of sound disturbance seems quite closely linked to
the patch size/complexity.
I deliberately overloaded it by getting Rosegarden to send a fairly
fast pattern of notes to the Hyper Matrix patch. The processors maxed
out sounding rather unpleasant for a second, then it was Rosegarden that
just stopped dead complaining of no CPU room. Changed channel on
Rosegarden (so as not to actually disturb Yoshimi's state) to play a
less demanding patch and everything was fine. The Hyper Matrix channel
was still live, as I could play notes from my keyboard via Rosegarden.
I'm not seeing any xruns at all in response to MIDI input of Note
On/Off, Master Volume, Pan, Modulation, Pitch Change.
As far as I'm concerned, we've now reached a level of stability that
makes live performance practical.
Wow, that is all rather cool. I feel good, I feel better than James Brown.
Like I said previously, the best people to have testing are those who _use_
it extensively. Thanks again for your efforts. On we go!