On Thu, 12 Jan 2012 15:16:16 +0100 (CET)
Julien Claassen <julien(a)mail.upb.de> wrote:
Hi Renato!
There is a very easy solution withmore or less acceptable results.
That's the LADSPA multivoice chorus. I think it's in the SWH or even
CMT suite. From that easy solution you can move up slowly. Load a
couple of tracks in whatever host you like (ardour, ams...) spread
them in the stereo panorama and then:
1. slightly shift them in time (delay)
2. get them out of phase
3. Use a pitch-shifter plugin for detuen
4. Try chorus effects(?)
5. Try the TAP doubler or similar
The best results are still achieved if you play the instruments a
couple of times. Where hydrogen is concerned: Best try to get in some
live performance or use some randomness to vary the samples used and
the exact location of the drum shots... Introduce randmoness or
change to ass many parameters as possible, especially if your drums
only have one layer of samples! With something like a guitar is
naturally best to really play it twice, for the guitar is alive. At
least go for twice or thrice, with that and some stereo spreadng you
can already achieve good effects. I hope this helps. If you need some
specific plugin references let me know and I'll hunt them down.
Thanks Julien, your suggestion is very detailed, I have more than
something to try now :) Originally I was thinking of a real-time
solution, but the "more than one take" way seems something classic and
that I allways wanted to experiment with, and probably as you suggest
gives best results. I'll definitely play with this stuff!
best wishes,