The boot partition (where the kernel lives). No way to
know if it is the
old, or the new or it is used by both installs (well, you could mount it
and see the dates of the files, I guess).
hmmm - the whole "mount" idea isn't going too well either *laugh* - it
tends to say that modprobe can't find module yp or something - tried many
versions of this stuff - sorry no detail on this *laugh*
So this is probably where the new install is located.
Did you try
/dev/hdb1? There must be one. What is the output of:
fdisk -l /dev/hda
fdisk -l /dev/hdb
I believe I tried e2label /dev/hdb1 and got the same error as on hda2 - but
not SURE - the machine is currently off - at some point I tried a reboot and
it got stuck (and old oddity) and I turned it off for the time being as I am
leaving shortly...
Anyway, any grub experts out there? Probably grub
needs to be pointed to
/dev/hdb1 as the root partition, right?
an interesting problem is GETTING to grub. I did find a grub.conf - I think
in /dev/hdb2/etc - somewhere or other - but when I tried to edit it, it
couldn't get it open
I wish I knew the options at that floppy's boot: prompt because I sort of
guess at things to try - like I tried booting and giving that prompt "linux
boot=/dev/hdb3 and such and init= and root= and a few different things. at
this point it's always the same, since I first booted up using "linux
single", it now has always booted and not done the kernel panic, but given
me the filesystem error and dropped me to a shell.
that's why I keep asking on here 'cause I don't know too well how these
directories are structured, what the parameter possibilities are, etc.
somewhere I have a damn linux reference but I can't find it yet
hmmm. very odd. very interesting.