On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 21:36 +0100, Arnold Krille
Am Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2008 schrieb Dave
Sounds like the "Apply colors to none-KDE-apps"-problem. Stupid
gtk-app-developers not entirely following the system colors and mixing system
colors with their own...
Have you tried disabling that option? Helps for ardour2 too.
But I _am_ setting both the foreground and background colours for the
menu and the menu items, and it does work on my desktop (where I use KDE
and the "Apply colours to non-KDE apps" option). For some reason only
the foreground gets set on Dave's system.
Just FYI, the window manager is Fluxbox, on JAD 1.0.
And I have no trouble with colors in Ardour2.