First, Steve Do wrote:
> Drums are a real weak spot with me. I have a good
> of rhythm and I always wanted to be a drummer instead
> of a keyboard player (but my mom and dad forced me to
> take piano lessons). I love Hydrogen but I always
> feel that if I were to try to add a drum part it would
> sound ultra-cheesy and unrealistic.
Then, on Tue, May 17, 2005 at 12:42:47AM -0400, LinuxMedia wrote:
When I actually have everything set up the way I want
it and get ready
to make music, I will probly eventually look into electric drum pads (or
whatever you call them). I'm assuming they are all midi. Would midiable
drum pads help to make it more musical for you (assuming one could use
the drum pads to trigger sounds via midi and a linux sequence/sampler)?
--- ---
MIDI drum pads kits are great and very versatile. I have a drummer
friend who uses them all the time for recording and I've known drummers
who also use them for live performance. However, they require a drummer's
skill and technique with drum sticks. As a keyboard player I don't
possess those skills, as much as I would like to have them.
But your email gave me an idea. Rather than use Hydrogen (which I really
like) or another percussion program to produce drums for any particular
piece of music I'm working on, I could simply use one of the percussion
kits in one of my MIDI tone generators, which maps a whole array of
percussion from bass drums to snares to toms to hi-hats to everything
else, to the various keys of a MIDI keyboard. Then I can simply use the
keyboard skills I already have to "play" the drums in real time and
accompany my already recorded tracks of piano, organ, etc.
While this idea may seem obvious to some, I had not really seriously
considered it before. But it might work and I think I'm going to try it.
Thanks for the nudge in that direction. ;-) Best wishes,
Steve D
New Mexico US
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