Some additional info.
I forgot that British slang often doesn't 'travel'
Squid is a comic corruption of quid, and a quid is a UK pound, so that is
542 ukp.
I can't remember the precise details now, but included in the total price is an
extra 20 or so for an uprated PSU with extra margin of power and low noise. Also
another 20 for a better case lined with sound absorbent material. As Charles
said you can pay silly money for little improvement and I thought this was a
reasonable compromise. For all practical purposes the whole thing is almost
unnervingly silent!
I'm not overly concerned about graphics - I'll never do any video work on it -
and it is comfortably driving a 24in 1920x1080 DVI monitor. If, in years to
come there is a problem I can always slot in another graphics card, but I think
it very unlikely I'll need to.
So far, stability looks very good.
Right, torture test :)
CH 1
Hyper Matrix which is a 3 part voice kit comprising 3x addsynth (each with 3x
voice) + 1x subsynth
CH 2
Master Synth Low which is a 4 part voice kit comprising 1x addsynth (with 5x
voice) + 2x subsynth + 2x padsynth
Separate MIDI keyboards fed to each channel via jack, CH 1 playing a fast
rocking bass, ch2 playing quite fast 3-4 note chords - total processor usage
peaked at about 40% and *no* x-runs at all.
I think I'm going to have work hard to find my new limits :)
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.