On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 19:58:51 +0100, Dieter Plaetinck wrote
I think you're making a lot of assumptions here. the aur is a pretty
clearly understood concept within the Arch community.
Was it understood by Fabio?
Users who use
svn pgkbuilds from AUR are not really different from other users who
build from svn.
The point you don't seem to get is: _users_ don't build from svn.
And building from svn seems to be complicted enough to prevent them to do it.
I don't see why behavior (frequency of updating,
whether the mailing lists are checked or not) would necessarily be
worse amongst AUR svn users then other folks who build ardour from svn.
In fact, I think just *because* they have a pkgbuild, it actually
becomes easier to update the package. People who do things manually
are the ones who don't like doing it all over again.
Easier for whom?
But really, I don't get why you care so much about
how frequent Arch
users update their svn packages. You don't want to support people
who build ardour3 from svn and who don't know how to provide
valuable feedback, that is fine. As long as we tell folks that
clearly, we're good.
Jes, as long as you tell folks clearly that _is_ fine. But that important step
got lost ...
I don't see why we would need to prevent users
building from svn, it's not like they harm anyone by doing so
(provided we put that clear warning in)
Lukily Fabio only waisted developer time - but alpha software can easily erase
your harddisk or go out and kill your grandmother - but wait, this isn't even
alpha software! Get the pont ;-)
Cheers, Ralf Mattes
Linux-audio-user mailing list
R. Mattes -- Systemeinheitsstreichler
Hochschule fuer Musik Freiburg