On Tuesday 26 April 2011 23:03:25 Harry Van Haaren wrote:
If Ardour is in the +0.x the little button goes red right? That's the track
clipping AFAIK...
A JACK client (and hence SuperCollider) should keep its audio in -1,1
Bot is not necessarily true. Audio levels inside jack can well be beyond
[-1:1] without any clipping. Inside jack its all float-numbers, they don't clip
anywhere in the range of typical audio usage.
Only the conversion to integers for the sound-device is the place where
clipping happens. And at that place the convention is to map the range [-1:1]
to whatever integers the bit-depth of the device has.
Ardour's red markers "only" inform you that the signal will most likely clip
when you send it to the hardware like that. Once there is a gain-reduction
from an amplifier/volume-control or a limiter in the signal-chain, the results
can be different. (It can also clip when ardour doesn't show a red symbol and
levels below 0dB.)
Have fun,