>The drums sounds in Hydrogen are the best I've
heard. But they have
>their own format. I just wish they were standardized sounds (like WAV
>samples or sound fonts). I'm not sure I can load any sounds that I want
>(other than Hydrogen-format sounds).
All of the samples I've ever used with Hydrogen
have been standard .WAV
files. I'm not aware of Hydrogen being able to load anything else.
Oh... I get it... When I export a drumkit, it exports a "Gzip" file. I
extract that and it's a "Tar" file. When I extract that I have a
directory of .WAV files.
I notice that neither ecasound or xmms can play them in their original
format. I have to load them into Sweep and save them out again.
There's some pretty good samples in the GMkit. I can't wait to listen to
the other kits.
Thanks for letting me know these are available...