Gabriel Nordeborn, Apr 28 2014:
Hey everyone!
It has been a while since I've finished and published new music. But, as
LAC is rapidly approaching, and I'd really love to use whatever inspiration
I get there making brand new stuff, I decided to pull my act together and
finish a 5-track EP I've been working on for quite a while. The EP
features, among others, community celebrity Glen MacArthur, and in contrast
to my previous releases has vocals in various forms on more than half of
the tracks.
Hey hey,
this is beautiful music Gabriel, thank you for sharing it freely. 'Time will tell'
actually gave me goose bumps. I'd love to have a voice like Megan, so compliments to
her as well! I will also have to look up Glen MacArthur again, a cunning impression of
Freddy Mercury, is what he gives me. :)
The production is very impressive! I look forward to the continuation of your articles and
hope to glimpse a few secrets! If only the drums in the first two tracks hadn't been
that loud... It was distracting. The kit sounded cheap, since it puts me in mind of my
first synths, where I'd used to pitch sounds down more than I should have to achieve a
sound I didn't have.
Thank you again for sweet and energetic music.
* Internet: