On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 09:22:52PM +0800, Ray Rashif wrote:
2009/9/7 Ray Rashif <schivmeister(a)gmail.com>
JFS is low-latency, low-power, and all-around
performer. As such, it suits
a mobile platform with 5400RPM disks.
Oops, forgot to continue:
For speedier and larger disks, ext3/4. Both XFS and ReiserFS have their
cons. Google and you'll land upon a pretty old review, but JFS and EXT3 come
up ahead of the others.
Hmm. Well the drive I put into my Core2Duo 2.33Ghz laptop is faster than 5400RPM, but it
is also PATA. And it's a single partition and so EXT3 it is. I don't intend to
reformat it anytime soon.
The disk I'm discussing formatting is an external WD "MyBook" 1TB drive. It
will be connected via ESATA to a headless 64-bit 1.2Ghz ITX box, or via FireWire to the
laptop. So I guess the filesystem might not be the bottlenack anyway.
Keeping it simple: tried and true EXT3.