Rui Nuno Capela skreiv:
the RT blinking is a recent "feature" of
QjackCtl. you can turn it off
in the Setup/Display/Blink server mode display option if you don't like
it :)
the RT indication being there, either blinking or not, is a simple
indication that the jack server is running in real-time mode. the
blinking is just some lousy eye-candy, nothing more, nothing less ...
it just happens that qjackctl displays new xruns and blinks at the very
same time (~2 second period). the xruns are happening in between (and
count reported as "skipped") it just doesn't matter whether the RT
indicator is blinking or not.
Thanks for the input!
On the PC with the Delta66 I discovered that the "Master Clock" option
was set to SPDIF. Once I set it to 44100, the usecs-messages stopped
coming, and they came back at the same moment that I put it back on
SPDIF. There's nothing connected to the SPDIF. Is this a bug or just
natural behaviour...?
As for the Behringer UCA202 USB cards, I've disabled ACPI on the laptop,
and that seems to make a big difference. However, there are still xruns
with relatively conservative settings. Are there any further tweaks to
be made, or should I just get a non-crap portable soundcard..? As far as
I recall it worked better on Ubuntu 7.04, but I didn't really crash-test
it there.
Thanks for any further input.
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