On Saturday 07 August 2004 05:10 am, LinuxMedia wrote:
I was a SuSE
user for 3-4 years. It's really very slick but occasionally
some of the programs are a little stale. (caveat: I haven't used it since
Maybe I'm confused about this. When I think of "audio distrobs" like
Planet, I picture wipeing out my hard drive and having just a dedicated
recording environment. But do these run along side an established
distrob (like debian, redhat...)? Do they coexist with them?
A) I'm not following the thread too closely
B) SuSe is not considered an "audio" distribution
C) You can make any distribution an "audio distribution" by using ALSA, a
suitable kernel and building the programs you need if you can't get packages.
I don't
know what version qjackctl SuSE is shipping but the one I'm using
has patchbays for MIDI and jack ports
Thanks. Yea, I checked and my version is behind. There's no (midi) patch
bays. Nice feature. I need to upgrade, because it looks like that
eliminates the need to start up and run another program (kaconnect).
To finish the thought: SuSE can make a good base on which to build because
if you buy the "pro" version (or the basic version if you have broadband
internet), you get binaries for just about every progam there is.
This makes evaluation of what programs you want to actually spend the time
building a lot more streamlined.
BTW the MIDI patchbay in CVS qjackctl doesn't benefit from the "patchbay
persistance" option, like the jack ports, at least not yet. It could also use
a LADCCA save button, but there are options for plugin pre/post
startup/shutdown scripts.