Hi Erik,
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
error opening /home/teza/T_l_chargements/fk118bpm.wav
is your problem. I'll bet you that the folder is not
'T_l_chargements' but something like 'Téléchargements'. The
é's are getting converted to '_' -- which is an invalid path
and libsndfile can't open the file.
libsndfile does handle utf8 file paths as long as the locale
is set correctly (usually in the shell before the program which
calls libsndfile is run).
Yes, this is a sooperlooper issue. libsndfile is being
given an invalid path... so it doesn't have a chance. Looks
like this issue is when slgui converts the wxString to a C++