Am Tuesday 26 July 2005 13:34 schrieb Martin Habets:
On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 12:57:27PM -0700,
eviltwin69(a) wrote:
One could argue that since search in Emacs has been ^s
for ages, that
those who use ^f are the ones who have broken convention for no good
True, but the Emacs people should have put a stop to it years ago before
IE and Mozilla and Firefox made Ctrl-F the de facto standard. Nowadays
if you want to integrate with the rest of the modern GUI desktop you'd
better play ball.
I disagree completely. Those who wrote Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox,
IE should have used the standard that was already in place. Emacs even
pre-dates Mosaic. Or should they all have used the / from vi for searches
:-D All of this really doesn't matter though, as Joe pointed out it's
nice to have standards since there are so many ;-)
Just make key-bindings configurable some way. Maybe via .Xdefaults (or
.Xsession or whatever). But most humans can deal with using 2 or 3
different standards at a time. Hell, it probably makes them feel like
/ works to search in Firefox.
Surely Ctrl-S was used to stop scrolling on terminals since before emacs
was around. But that does not imply it's use is reserved for that purpose
Maybe "find" simply fits better into our brave new world because it sounds so
much more "geared towards success" than "search". Ok, maybe the
computer has
to search, but we do not want to know those nasty details, do we? One from
the department of "there are no problems, only challenges" ;-)