Hey folks,
I need to digitally transfer DAT's to my Linux box via a SPDIF coax cable. I'm
wondering what the path of least resistance would be for getting this set up?
I currently run Red Hat 8. I have a Zoltrix Nightengale Pro installed (which I understand
is a CMedia 8738 chip?).
I have put 3 hours of searching and tinkering into getting the Zoltrix card to work but
haven't had any luck.
So now I'm wondering whether there is another distro/card combination that will come
closer to working out of the box?
If not, does anyone have any advice for getting the Zoltrix card working?
I'd sure appreciate any help. This is the last windoze task that I haven't been
able to replicate on Linux. As soon as it can be accomplished I can format that WinXP
drive and have more space for music ;-)
-Jackson Gibbs