oops my bad, i assumed from the NYLXS posting that it was new york, but
didnt read right thorugh to see the address....
Martin Hauptmann wrote:
Am Son, 2003-11-30 um 11.47 schrieb iriXx:
Sorry for the super late notice, but I am doing a
Linux Audio Workshop
for artists in Queens, today Sunday Nov 30th from 3pm to 6pm. It is
That is cool, Queens is around the corner of my place, in Möllerstraße
47. Normally in this bar sit bankers and drink cocktails, so it is a
nice surprise.
Distributed poC TINC:
Jay Sulzberger <secretary(a)lxny.org>
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.
Oh! Maybe it is not in Queens in Frankfurt, Germany but a Queens
somewhere else.I didn't know there is more than one Queens.
But you didn't seem to know that, either ;-)
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