Dave Phillips hat gesagt: // Dave Phillips wrote:
cunnilinux himself wrote:
does anybody know how supercollider performs in
realtime comparing to csound?
which one is faster?
thanxx in advance.
Like Dan said, it depends on what you're running, in hardware and
software. I've used both systems in realtime, each performs very well in
Linux with an rt-enabled kernel.
Which one you prefer really depends on other factors, e.g. language
type, available opcodes, GUI, etc.
And as both are sound *programming* languages, the speed also depends on how well
you've designed your Csound/SC programs itself.
In all these languages (and in software like Pd) you can do some terribly slow
things, but if you do them right, they may run pretty fast. I don't think,
there is much difference between SC and Csound when both just play some sine waves,
probably this is well optimized in both. I didn't benchmark it, though.