On Jan 11, 2005, at 5:16 PM, Shayne O'Connor wrote:
> IMHO, one of the great bands of our generation.
"Musically rich" is
> how I describe them to my non-musician friends. I will never tire of
> songs such as Reeling, Rickie Don't Lose that number, FM, and of
> course, the Larry Carlton signature lead: Kid Charlemange.
> BTW, although Larry Carlton didn't play on Coundown, if you like this
> kind of music, check out Larry Carlton Collection, especially Bubble
> Suffle. Awesome.
oh my god - steely dan sing "ricky don't lose
that number"?!
this is tragic - i'll pretend i never read this thread :)
(each to their own).
*jams pencils in ears*
- JN