Mario Lang <mlang(a)> writes:
Spencer Russell <Spencer.Russell(a)>
On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 09:04:02AM -0500, Joe
Hartley wrote:
On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 11:02:31 +0100
Mario Lang <mlang(a)> wrote:
Yes, it is, and I consider this behaviour the only sensible.
For me, the other dials (those that wrap) are broken, and
they are a serious accessibility hassle.
I'm with Mario on this. The last thing I'd want to have happen is to
have a parameter wrap from full off to full on because the controller
sent out a value of 3..2..1..0..127.
I think I would prefer the dial to send relative information as
to what direction it's turning, so that you can have more than
127 different values controlled by one knob. It's not exceedingly
difficult to take a wrapping controller and make it functionally
the same, but if the encoder just stops at 0 and 127, it makes
that impossible.
Er, no, thats actually very easy, just reset its value to 1 whenever it hits
0. You can write to any controller of the BC{R,F}2000 to set its current
And here is real code to illustrate what I ment, tested, and works:
var value, oldValue;
value=0; oldValue=64;
c=BCF(\r1, 1, [0,127,\lin,1,64], {|val|
value = value + (val-oldValue);
oldValue = val;
if (val == 0) {
} {
if (val == 127) {
And there you go, a software-based inifinite rotary.