On 4/9/07, eduard aylon <eduard.aylon(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I am having lots (thousands) of xruns in qjackctl and
need some help
to address this issue. Any tips on what should I enable/disable, etc.
are appreciated.
/usr/bin/jackd -R -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p1024 -n2 -i2 -o2 -zs
Seems you are using
internal soundcard which is intel-hda for macbook (afaik).
Most probably, xruns are related to alsa driver, not your setup.
On my notebook, (acer 3004wtmi) I get tons of xruns in half-duplex
mode (-P) and full duplex just does not work at all.
So, if you can, try your setup with some external soundcard.