Athanasios Silis wrote:
I ... realised while reading the midi file that 2 byte
values are
stored locally in a midi file lsb first. This is opposite to what I
see here . for
example the midi *MThd* : Header chunk, was written in the midi file
as 54 4D 64 68
These are just the four characters, in order.
and chunklen as 00 00 06 00 .
"00 00 00 06" is the number six, MSB first.
So this is one thing that I should keep in mind when I
send hex
In SMF files, header fields use big endian, but they are never sent over
the wire. (Variable-length quantities also do not appear in in the raw
MIDI byte stream.)
Everything that is actually a MIDI message has its bytes in the same
order as they are sent over the MIDI cable. E.g., the data bytes of
the Pitch Bend message use little endian.
can I just send the midi even directly?
Yes; with amidi.
I dunno if by mistake I send some cmd that can fuck up
the controller :)
Other programs allow you to send arbitrary MIDI messages, too; amidi is
not any more dangerous than them.
Some devices do have commands to store settings in non-volatile memory
or to update their firmware, but it is extremely unlikely that you would
manage to send them by accident.