On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 09:41:23PM +0100, Arnold Krille wrote:
On Tuesday 17 February 2009 21:06:29 Anders Dahnielson
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 20:39, Arnold Krille
<arnold(a)arnoldarts.de> wrote:
On Tuesday 17 February 2009 20:30:53 Ken Restivo
OK well that throws a monkey wrench into my plan
to convert the studio
Mac/ProTools to Linux/Ardour. Damn.
you can start by convincing them about Mac/Ardour?
I don't really understand why mac-users (especially if they paid premium
for hardware) should switch to Linux where half their hardware isn't
supported... Shouldn't ardour (through jackd/portaudio) play perfectly
one the
Yes. but I think you answered the question yourself in the last
I did? I didn't say "Make them buy overpriced proprietary stuff to use it with
free software", I said "If they already happen to have the bad proprietary
stuff, why try to convince them off the full free ensemble where they have to
spend more money on new hardware if they could just do a smooth transition by
switching one component at a time?" Applies both for Mac/ProTool and
Or is the digi-stuff not usable with apples' portaudio?
This particular Digi gear is already visible in JACK on a Mac. I suppose this is because
there is a Mac CoreAudio driver for it, and presumably JACK sits on top of that, and thus
can see it.
I have not tried running the Digi gear with with Ardour on a Mac, because this particular
Mac was too old and fragile to add all the X11 crap I'd need in order to get Ardour to
run on it. But I don't see why it wouldn't work.
So, to answer your question, someone who has an investment in a Mac and Digi gear can
probably run Ardour, and thus leverage their investment in the Digi gear.
In my particular situation, I was trying to create a Linux convert. But I guess that's
not in the cards right now.