Nils Gey <ich(a)> writes:
I have no suggestion but a question:
Given that an actual performance mostly differs on the tempo level,
not on the relative note length level (a quarter is still a quarter,
but just with a bit more time) wouldn't this be a search for a tool
that lets you adjust the tempo track of the midi very easily?
For example something that plays back your audio file and you happily
tap along the quarters or so on a midi key or keyboard-key (what has
less latency?) and the tool records your tapping as tempo track which
can then be used to override the tempo instructions in the original
A bit like a conductors tool. I have read of several tools that use
this method in the past, but I am unsure if there was a linux one
among them.
thanks, but this is a complicated piece, with many ritardandos,
accelerandos, so it would be quite difficult to get it right by changing
the tempo in the MIDI file, and in the end I guess I would have to
change it so many times, that I think it is probably faster (and more
accurate) to synchronize the notes one by one.
Ángel de Vicente
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