alex stone wrote:
Jorn, thanks for feedback. I've just tried one of
Fon's amb plugs, and
it repeatedly crashed ardour, so i think i'd better fix that before
going further.
As for mike bleed, it's not a full multimix of pseudo mic blend, but
more a 'hint' of signal from adjacent instruments. It's artifical,
imho, to completely remove any resonant blend of adjacent instruments,
and i already have a modicum of success in terms of 'more lifelike'
response using this method. I'm also using orchestral samples here,
not a live orchestra, so i'm keen to explore just how far we can get
down the 'real' road, before limitations prevail.
As an aside to this, the VSL orchestral sample library team have
already started a project not dissimilar to this, called MIR, so the
concept is not just mine, or even theirs... :)
I knew i was kinda hopeful when i asked about cutting an impulse into
chunks, so i'm not surprised at all.
Now to get this Amb problem sorted out.
Just to remind you that (not suprisingly) the complete soultion really
is cutting edge stuff for Linux Audio. However there are numerous people
here who understand the details intrinsically so it will be a matter or
course to work it out.
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd.