The colour of voice is very nice. But try to record
the voice in as
much as possible equal loudness - before you move to dynamics. Fill
the channel with iit. . Use compressor on the vocals as well - will
help you get over the beginner's problems with loudness.
The rhythms guitar should be more tight - as you don't have
bass/drums, the rhythm guitar serves as the basis of this song, so it
HAS to be rock solid. Again, this is true before you learn to move
slightly in time for the effect of it.
All in all the song is quite good - but you are not convinced in it.
Try to sing it as if you were sure that it will sell 100.000 copies -
the results will be amazing. One song reflects one own's confidence -
or the lack of it. "Losing My Religion" is so beautifully unconfident
- and that's the big asset of it. But your song needs confidence,
I hope this helps,
2009/2/16 Loki Davison <loki.davison(a)
HI all,
despite the technical difficulties outlined in the other email some
recording did occur. It's a cheesy love song inspired by recent
events, some lyrics hopeful/prophetic/fictitious ;) Please tell me
what you think. I really need singing lessons....
Same idea but in instrumental and vocal forms:
Instruments: acoustic guitar, electric bass and tambourine.
Hope it's ok,
I like it and agree with Viktor's comments. Push it, man, push it.