On 29/04/2023 18:27, Chris Caudle wrote:
On Saturday, April 29, 2023 5:12:43 AM CDT Bill Purvis
I'm struggling with my jack setup again. I am
running Devuan Chimaera
and the MB has a builtin sound chip (ALC887)
which works using just ALSA. I had an Audigy sound card, and Jack worked
OK with that. Longer term, I'll by using
a UDAC8 USB sound module, but it's not here at present, and I expected
to be able to simply switch the Jack output
device from the Audigy to the ALC877. I can play a test file through
ALSA (aplay test1.wav) which is OK, though
a bit low volume, but when I reconfigure jack to use it, I don;t get any
system output on QJackCtl, and jack-play
gives no sound, not surprising if there's no port to connect to.
The jackd
application prints quite a bit of information on startup. If you do
not start jackd from the command line but use qjackCtl, you should be able to
get that same information from the Messages window (press the Messages button
and it will open a window with a Messages tab and a Status tab).
The interface name is often not very descriptive (when I started jackd just
now to check the messages it had "Acquired audio card Audio0") so the output
of aplay -l would also be helpful to cross-check that the acquired card is
what you actually expected.
I wasn't getting much from the qjackctl messages.
Paul Davis sent me a
link to
a script to provide some debugging info, but it contained reference to
the jack_control
command, which was reported to be not found. After digging around I
realised that Devuan
had installed jackd1, rather than jackd2, this does not provide
jack_control (at least the
Devuan version doesn't.) As a result I decide to switch to jackd2,
removed all traces of jack,
then installed jackd2. This included jackd2-firewire, but as I don't
intend to make any use
of firewire, I removed that without any complaints. When I then started
up jack (d2) it all came
up as I would expect. All is now working as I had intended.
Thanks for all those who offered suggestions and help.
| Bill Purvis |
| email: bill(a)billp.org |