I believe they are usable as of now in ardour(people are using exactly
bfc2000 and discussing it on the mail-lists), but I'd like to know some
more technical details about these kinds of things, I don't generally
know much about any kids of MIDI devices, I've never needed them - but a
midi mixing control board would be useful.
But besides this, any knob or fader with a midi connection are
definitely and concretely useful in for example pure-data. If you build
your own patches you can map the real faders to faders in pd with little
mån 2004-09-27 klockan 21.22 skrev Mark Knecht:
Dirk Jagdmann wrote:
seen the BFC-2000 looks promising but why an USB interface anyway?
I have a BCF-2000 and am very satisfied. It has a MIDI IN/OUT/THRU and
usb connectivity. The usb is a standard midi device and thus works out
of the box with alsa drivers. And you can access the midi port via the
usb in both directions, thus you have a nice usb-midi interface for free.
May I ask what you use this for under Linux? Is the use of the faders
supported by any apps today?
Zachris Trolin <zachris(a)phreaker.net>