Steve D mentioned an "irrational" fear of the punchin/punchout recording
technique. Ron Parker and Cesare Marilungo commented--
Ron Parker wrote:
We definitely hear "bad" punches. It's
something you get good at; play
along with yourself, perform the puch-in and punch-out then stop
playing. Afterwards trim the region in and outs so the punch can't be
Cesare Marilungo wrote:
There's another, way better, method. Just route
your keyboard output
to a midi sequencer (muse or rosegarden) and then to the sampler. In
this way you can do punch-ins in midi, delete notes seamlessly merge
two or more performances and more.
Thank you very much, Ron and Cesare. I'll try both approaches and
hopefully I'll learn how to exploit both the digital-audio and MIDI
punchin/punchout recording techniques.
Regarding the digital audio (rather than MIDI) approach, I'll try to
space the punchin and punchout points a little farther apart than I
normally would, to give me a greater choice *after* re-recording the
section as to exactly where I want the actual punch to occur. (I hadn't
thought of that, obvious though it may now seem. ;-)
Thank you,
Actual political quote-- "I resent your insinuendoes."