Moeflon hat gesagt: // Moeflon wrote:
What doesn't work is to get any midi-I/O with
rosegarden. I launch
rosegarden, select a bank an try to play some notes. Nothing happens.
Even when I don't select a bank (those are the banks from the
soundcard)it doesn't work. Yes, rosegarden knows the keyboard is
connected because it says so.
When I manually edit the notes, and play the track, the VU-meter on the
left is moving, but no sound-output.
How can I get Rosegarden to get the input from my keyboard via amSynth
to get in to the track of rosegarden?
How can I get Rosegarden to produce any sound-output?
Midi contains just notes, but doesn't do anything to create sounds out
of them. You need a synthesizer - software or hardware - to play the
notes coming from the Midi data stream. Try something like fluidsynth
www.fluidsynth.org) or Timidity as software synth.
Or buy a midi capable synthesizer, that you can connect to the
midi-out of your cards.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__