On 11/03/2016 04:51 PM, Len Ovens wrote:
I do not know qtractor well enough to say what is
possible in direct
control from keyboard or other controller. I did find the MIDI controler
setup, so it is possible for sure. I have not found any OSC Docs for
qtractor though.
a) there's no OSC control interface on qtractor "master" branch; only
good old and genuine MIDI, regular 7bit channel messages (eg. CC, but
any other message will do) and extended 14-bit channel too, (N)RPN and
CC14 pairings; user configurable PC-keyboard shortcuts are also in place
as well;
b) there's an experimental OSC infrastructure also in place for too many
some years now, rather specific interface to freewheeling [1], which
lives under the "oscx" branch.
rncbc aka. Rui Nuno Capela