I thought Ubuntu had a solution for my audio problems when it was said to be
specially packaged for multi-media and the only distribution with an
off-the-shelf RT kernel. Every time I run Rosegarden there is a warning
message that the kernel timing is not good enough. So I determined to
install the UBuntu Studio with the RT kernel.
What happened ? It didn't recognize my Soundblaster Audigy. It is not clear
how to configure.
Debian had it much better.
Couldn't there be more agreement on audio configuration for Linux ? Is
anyone working on a standard ? Shouldn't they be ?
How about an agreed upon place to specify which sound card to use ...and
which driver.
Here's a note that appeared on a Debian list from Brian Mullan that
describes some of the issues:
- - - - - - - - - - - -
(Blockquote starts here:)
A recent Slashdot thread had resonance with my own work in promoting use of
Linux in a very large educational project and problems I'm facing.
Quite a few contributors to that thread are voicing some fundamental
concerns that problems with seemingly mundane features may hold back Linux
from wider acceptance.
I know folks comment "well you can figure out a work around it
but the problem is winning over the existing Window's users that might be
thinking about moving to Linux and
unfortunately either just don't have the knowledge or perhaps don't want to
spend the time to figure out "work-arounds" to basic issues like:
a.. why doesn't my Browser play flash video
b.. or why doesn't my Web sound work (or work right)
Linux has come a very long way in creating a great computing environment and
Desktop experience.
One obvious example is how well wireless now seems to work now.
and that is fortunate since the networking market for personal use is almost
exclusively Wireless in the Home now.
I know the problems with things like Flash maybe isn't something Linux
community can fix directly but they can work more closely
with say Adobe in this instance to get the problem fixed.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Justin Smith" <noisesmith(a)gmail.com>
To: <linux-audio-user(a)lists.linuxaudio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: [LAU] (no subject)
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 8:09 PM,
<webmaster(a)seconnecticut.com> wrote:
I have two Ubuntu computers, one running 8.04 and
the other running 9.04.
Since Ubuntu is said to offer a RT kernel and a version that has been
customized for audio work, I was surprised to find that it is not so easy
configure audio in Ubuntu. Debian recognized my SoundBlaster audigy card
immediately and used it. For Ubuntu the small app that is supposed to
the sound card doesn't seem to do anything.
So I started asking questions of Google and found that there are a number
people who are having difficulty configuring Soundblaster on Ubuntu. It
looks to be a chronic problem.
Aside from that
SlashDot.org had a link to this last week, although it
to be vintage 2007.
There is a map of Linux Audio Applications that looks to be useful
documentation. Any comments on the rather critical note ?
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Welcome to the list. That map of applications is actually a map of
drivers, libraries, and daemons, and the ones that get talked about on
this list are alsa (driver), ffado (driver), jack (daemon), and
pulseaudio (daemon) mostly. Pulseaudio is controversial. The list
archives will provide you with many hundreds of pages of flamewars and
clarifications about these various interfaces for linux audio if you
find the topic interesting.
Linux-audio-user mailing list