On Mon, 13 Mar 2017, Mac wrote:
Ok, so since I have done nothing to change anything
from a default UBStudio
16.04, then I should be able to assume I'm working with jackd2.
If I understand your reply, dbus provides some magic that allows pulseaudio (as
installed with UBS16.04) to see when a jackd2 server is started and create the
pulseaudio source/sinks.
and the ds... arguments start the alsa source/sinks
Ya, I could have been a little more explanitory there... like I said the
documentation is just not there. Jack_control is written in python so it
is possible to directly read the source, but I found that running
jack_control with no arguements gives usage. from there I noted that dl
will return a list of drivers, dp will get me a list of what the current
driver parameters are and default to. il gies a sililar list for internals
etc. yu will notice a lot of the commands are to "get" information. It
would be handy to take all of this stuff and make a man page I am
...the fog begins to clear. ;)
Good :)
Len Ovens