Thanks to all that replied, very helpful.
To Robert: I used to use demudi and had problems getting muse to work (it
LOVED to crash for some reason), but I might go back to a debian distro if
jacklab is hard to use.
Well, I anticipated configuration issues with the UART, but there weren't
any. It was fairly straightforward actually. I made sure ACPI and MIDI (for
UART) were both enabled in BIOS and went about my business. The joystick
port cable is passive, btw.
The UART showed up in RG just fine. Now I have RG using a softsynth on my
audiophile card and the UART "playing" another computer -- a mac actually. I
have a G4 running os x 10.4 and cubase LE. I tend to think (perhaps
misguidedly) that the mac will make a better VST host so that will work for
My original intention was to have the mac using MMC to control the jacklab
box, but I have yet to get that working....getting cubase to work as a
master is confusing me, but that's a whole other story!
I'll check the list and post regarding future issues specific to jacklab and
friends. Thanks again.