On Mon, October 29, 2012 2:45 pm, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
On Tue, October 30, 2012 8:35 am, Patrick Shirkey
Does anyone know whats going on with pulseaudio-module-jackdbus in
On my system the jackdbus module doesn't exist in the repos and the
is that pulseaudio doesn't play nice with jack.
I can see that jackd2 was compiled with dbus support so not sure what's
going on with the missing pulse module.
I can see with pacmd list-modules that module-jackdbus-connect is loaded
so the module must be compiled into pulse directly.
So any thoughts on why the module is not kicking in?
On ubuntu (which normally uses debian src packages), The module name is
module-jackdbus-detect. I don't think I have seen a module called
module-jackdbus-connect even on the pulse site.
Even if jackd comes with dbus support, it can be started without. so use
ps x or similar to check that the running app is jackdbus and not jackd.
If you are using qjackctl there is a checkbox under misc "Enable D-Bus
interface" that has to be checked.
Len Ovens