On Sat, 2005-12-10 at 18:21 +0100, Florian Schmidt wrote:
suppose running with 2*256 frames should be
possible pretty much xrun free, given that you don't put too much
other load on the system.
My tests show that the standard 2.6.14 kernel will cause xruns of up to
10ms. You can get this down to 1ms or so by doing:
sysctl -w net.core.netdev_max_backlog=5 (prevents network tx/rx softirqs
from causing xruns)
echo 32 > /sys/block/hd*/queue/max_sectors_kb (prevent long running disk
IRQ handlers from causing xruns)
These results are completely reproducible on my system. They will
probably lower disk and network throughput a little, but any low latency
solution will.