Am Montag 03 Dezember 2007 01:45:10 schrieb Dominic Sacré:
Hi all,
klick has been around for almost a year, but I figured no one will know
about it if I don't tell anybody. So here's a new version, and the first
official announcement.
klick is an advanced command-line based metronome for JACK. It allows you
to define complex tempo maps for entire songs or performances.
Its features include:
* Support for tempo maps, including arbitrary meters, tempo changes,
accelerando/ritardando and more.
* Three built-in sounds (borrowed from Ardour, GTick and FreePats),
plus ability to load your own samples.
* JACK transport sync support (master/slave).
* No GUI ;)
Get it here:
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Hi Dominic,
The last few days I was beginning to really appreciate your work - It's great
to have a relativistic tempo map instead of a static one, so that I don't
have to fuss anymore with all the tempo and meter changes when I insert a few
bars in the middle of the song! (There are a lot of meter and tempo changes
in my songs, and to fuzz with them all the time because I keep changing them
is really frustrating). Now I can concentrate on the music rather than on the
tempo map.
Only thing is, that klick gets segmentation faults a lot of the times - I'm
using it with ardour with transport enabled, and most of the times I start
the song in ardour, klick exits with a segmentation fault (core dumped). Is
there anything I can do about it?
Viele Grüße