On 01/20/2012 06:28 PM, Heikki Ketoharju wrote:
I'd like to sync Sequent with Jack Transport or
alternatively midi
clock received from another laptop running Ableton, so I guess I would
need a plugin host that could receive tempo either from midi or from
Jack Transport and emit it to the Sequent. Does Ardour support sending
tempo information to Linux VST plugins? I know Ardour has a quite
stable Jack Transport support, and I have used it as a live mixer
I'm pretty sure Ardour does support this -- I haven't tried it with
Sequent, but it seemed to work fine for me with the TAL-Dub-III plugin,
which is a tempo-synced delay. Native VST support works out-of-the-box
with Ardour 3 now, so definitely grab the latest beta and give it a go.