On Thu, 2006-02-02 at 15:52 +0000, tim hall
However DeMuDi began around 2001and owes a lot to
the early work of
people like Nicola Bernardini Marco Trevisani, Gunter Geiger, Dave
Phillips, Paul Davis, Francois Dechelle, Georg Greve, Stanko Juzbasic,
Giampiero Salvi, Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu, Gabriel Maldonado and Andrea
Glorioso.It began as
Of course, I prefer to bow down in homage to the
one true god of linux
audio distros, Mr. Lopez-Lezcano, who with no funding and no
has worked at least equal wonders as the entire Agnula effort.
Whilst I wouldn't necessarily award Pablo god status (or anyone else for that
matter), I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment. Not only has he done all
that, but he has also found time to be very supportive of A/DeMuDi too. I
think we still venerate him as a saint. ;)