Am 08.09.19 um 17:14 schrieb S.:
So it looks like applying a
lower velocity "curve" to a key could be as simple as applying a value <1.0
? And to actually make it "curvy" instead of a straight line?
Here's the doc of the Velocity event modifier unit:
Remember, you can restrict the effect of units to certain notes by
putting a KeyFilter unit in front of it:
The problem with midifilter.lv2 and mididings is that
they're not packaged
for hardly any distros.
midifilter.lv2 has very few dependencies. Installing it should be a
matter of downloading the release archive
(, making sure
you've got the "build-essential" package group (assuming a debian-like
distro) and the lv2 header package installed and then just running
"make" followed by "sudo make PREFIX=/usr install".
mididings is a bit more complicated, since it doesn't work well with
Python 3 and Python 2 is being phased out across distros. But if you
have Python, python2-pip and libboost-dev installed, you should be able
to install it under your user's home directory with:
pip2 install --user
The main mididings script will then end up in ~/.local/bin.