Nigel Henry wrote:
arecord -r96000 -fS24_3LE -c2 -Dhw:2 ~/recording.wav
Just for grins... have you tried doing:
$ arecord -r96000 -Dhw:2 ~/recording.wav
And fwiw, I tried several settings with Advanced
Driver in the OFF
arecord -r48000 -fS24_LE -c2 -Dhw:2 ~/recording.wav
Recording WAVE '/root/recording.wav' : Signed 24 bit Little Endian,
Rate 48000 Hz, Stereo
arecord: set_params:954: Sample format non available
According to the web site you mentioned, with the advanced driver mode OFF, this
card becomes 16-bit 48000 kHz. So it should be -fS16_LE (or U16_LE), but it
sounds a LOT like -fdat (alias for -r48000 -c2 -fS16_LE).